Corporate documents


DDM Debt AB Articles of Association >>

DDM Debt AB Certificate of Registration >>

DDM Finance AB Articles of Association >>

DDM Finance AB Certificate of Registration >>


DDM Debt AB's Annual General Meeting will take place on Friday 28 June 2024, with the following agenda:

1. Election of the Chairman.

2. Selection of minute taker.

3. Approval of agenda.

4. Establishment and approval of the ballot paper.

5. Selection of an adjuster.

6. Examination of whether the meeting has been duly convened.

7. Presentation of the annual report and the auditor's report.

8. Decision:

a. on the adoption of the income statement and balance sheet as well as the consolidated accounts for the financial year 20230101-20231231,

b. on dispositions regarding the company's profit or loss

9. Discharge of responsibility for the board members and the CEO.

10. Election of board.

11. Election of auditor.

12. Other matters that come before the Annual General Meeting (Annual General Meeting) in accordance with the Swedish Companies Act 2005: 551 or the Articles of Association.