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29 Jun 2023

Report from the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders of DDM Holding AG

DDM Holding AG (First North Growth Market: DDM), (the “Company”), held its Annual General Meeting (the “AGM”) today, 29 June 2023, in Zürich, Switzerland as a physical meeting. A summary of the AGM resolutions is presented below.

Minutes of the AGM

The minutes of the AGM, including a complete account of all resolutions taken, will be available on the Company’s website shortly.

Approval of the Annual Report, the Statutory Financial Statements and the Consolidated Financial Statements 2022

Following the board of directors’ proposal, the AGM approved the annual report, the statutory financial statements and the consolidated financial statements 2022.

Appropriation of Available Earnings 2022

The AGM resolved to carry forward the accumulated net profit of CHF 2,695,350 or EUR 2,312,144 (comprising retained profits of CHF 2,868,417 carried forward from previous years and the loss for 2022 of CHF 173,067).

Discharge of the Members of the Board of Directors and the Executive Management

Following the board of directors’ proposal, the AGM resolved to discharge all members of the board of directors and the executive management for their activities in the business year 2022.

Re-Election of Board Members

Andreas Tuczka, Erik Fällström and Joachim Cato were re-elected as members of the board of directors. The elections are each for a term of one year ending after completion of the next annual general meeting.

Election of a new Board Member

Jörgen Durban was elected as a new member of the board of directors for a term of one year ending after completion of the next annual general meeting.

Election of the Chairman

Jörgen Durban was elected as Chairman of the board of directors for a term of one year ending after completion of the next annual general meeting.

Re-Election of the Remuneration Committee

Andreas Tuczka and Erik Fällström were re-elected as members of the remuneration committee, each for a term of one year ending after completion of the next annual general meeting.

Re-Election of the Independent Proxy

Bratschi AG (CHE-141.281.308), Zürich, Switzerland was re-elected as independent proxy for a term of one year ending after completion of the next annual general meeting.

Re-Election of the Statutory Auditors

PricewaterhouseCoopers AG (CHE‑434.873.063), Luzern, was re-elected as the statutory auditors for the business year 2023.

Consultative Vote on the Compensation Report 2022

The AGM approved, on a consultative basis and as proposed by the board of directors, the compensation report 2022.

Compensation of the Members of the Board of Directors and the Executive Management

The AGM resolved, in accordance with the proposal of the board of directors, that the fixed remuneration of the board of directors shall not exceed a maximum aggregate amount of CHF 1,000,000 for the period until the end of the 2024 annual general meeting. The AGM also approved the variable compensation of the members of the executive management for the business year 2023 with a maximum aggregate amount of CHF 2,400,000 and the fixed compensation of the members of the executive management for the business year 2024 with a maximum aggregate amount of CHF 2,000,000.

Consultative Vote on Related Party Transactions

The AGM approved, on a consultative basis, the related party transactions during the business year 2022, as detailed in note 33 of the consolidated financial statements 2022.

Partial Revision of the Articles of Association

The AGM resolved, in accordance with the proposal of the board of directors and in line with the revised Swiss Code of Obligations, to revise the provisions of the Articles of Association regarding the general shareholders’ meeting and the board of directors, to delete the provisions regarding authorized share capital and to introduce a capital band with a range between CHF 13,560,447 (lower limit) and CHF 20,340,670 (upper limit), within which the board of directors is authorized to increase the share capital once or several times up to 28 June 2028.

The information was submitted for publication, through the agency of the contact person set out below, at 12:00 CEST on 29 June 2023.

For more information, please visit DDM’s website at or contact:

Andreas Tuczka, Chairman of the Board of Directors

Tel: +41 41 766 14 20

Fredrik Olsson, Chief Financial Officer

Tel: +41 79 331 30 17


DDM Holding AG (Nasdaq First North Growth Market, Stockholm: DDM) is a specialized multinational investor in situations arising out of the general strategic challenges in the European banking markets. This includes investments into assets and companies previously held by financial institutions, including performing and non-performing loans and special situations. DDM strives to create value for its stakeholders by combining significant expertise in financial services, credit underwriting and technology with a focus on operational excellence. DDM Holding AG is domiciled in Switzerland and was founded in 2007. DDM Debt AB (publ) (Nasdaq Stockholm: DDM DEBT 2026) is a wholly owned subsidiary of DDM Holding AG. Arctic Securities is DDM Holding AG’s Certified Adviser, address: Regeringsgatan 38, 111 56, Stockholm, Sweden, e-mail:, tel: +46 8 44686100.